One of the first things everyone realises when they start training for any length of time is how quickly kit accumulates. I stated with a pair of MMA shorts and some boxing gloves and now I have over 2 bags worth of gear. From Shin guards to Ear Defenders, they all take up precious space. Rather than slog my way to training with both bags, I had to think of a plan to maximise space.
Finding Space: Planning
My first purchase was a typical gym bag from Sports Direct and while it worked for what I needed, the compartment where I store my wrestling boots has fallen through and wear and tear has took its toll. However, through owning this bag I was taught a valuable lesson in varying your kit-bag for your class.
For MMA classes I generally pack my shin-guards, cup, towel, wrestling boots, gum shield and my MMA gloves. The big 16oz boxing gloves aren't really thrown in unless I know I'll need them, as they take up loads of room.
For Muay Thai I unpack some of the MMA gear and instead focus on Shinguards, gumshield, handwraps, cup and my boxing gloves.
In BJJ I pack my Gi, cup and shorts and ear defenders. This is the lightest set-up and I've often wondered if I could fit these in my backpack.
In all three set-ups I pack a bottle of water. Never train without a drink nearby, you'll regret it when you're dehydrating and desperate for water.
So essentially the trick is to vary your kitbag. It's a simple solution but one that others often forget. Gym bags tend to become a dumping ground for all your bits of kit and can become something of a lost ark. You may find your old t-shirt screwed up in the bottom still sweaty. Well, FightstorePro and Revgear have a final solution.
Space issues a thing of the past: Introducing the Transformer
Just a standard gym bag? Think again. |
Introducing the Transformer Bag! Just like your favourite giant robots, Revgear's Transformer bag can change forms to cater to your every need. It comes in a design that is ruggedly effective and lacks frills and pomp. Instead, it's a black finish with a white Revgear logo emblazoned on the bag. Big enough to fit Shin-guards and boxing gloves and all sorts in together, the unique feature here is the ability to TRANSFORM!
Is it a duffel bag!? is it a backpack!? No... it's both! |
Joking aside, the Transformer bag is a great choice for anyone with a load of gear and not a great way to carry it. Simplifying the task, the bag can be easily changed from a duffel bag to a backpack. It's made from Nylon and Polyester and is designed to be durable. Revgear has a reputation for no-frills, professional quality equipment and this bag finally answers the demand fighters have who need to carry their gear in a comfortable fashion.
Revgear have answered a question I have often found myself asking: How can I heft all this stuff around together without getting uncomfortable.
The Transformer bag is a solution to that problem. Sure, as I have stated, you can just pack less stuff, but someday you'll need all your kit at once. Perhaps you or one of your team-mates will be fighting or competing and you need a way to get all your Boxing gloves, Thai Pads, Shin Guards, Wrestling Boots, tape, handwraps and all that other stuff. There's only one place in the UK to grab this awesome kitbag and its out over at our store:
Article by Craig Thomas Boyle